
  • Bringing Ontario Award-Winning Wines


    The Intervin results have been in the air for some time and next week, the print magazine will make all of the results official.

    The fantastic news for Noteworthy Wines?  Intervin proved to us (and Ontario wine enthusiasts) that we’re keeping up our mission to bring people award-winning and reasonably priced wine products from around the world.

    And The Winners Are …

    Gaudio, Tenuta Le Velette, Umbria, Italy

    Gaudio is 100% Merlot, bringing it into competition with hundreds of similar products produced around the world.  Winning a silver in this category certainly speaks to the exceptional effort and passion that Corrado Bottai and his family put into this wonderful product.  Gaining recognition locally is very important to us and clearly identifies that Le Velette is a star producer by any count. More details about Gaudio can be found here.

    Order this quality wine today.

    Calanco, Tenuta Le Velette, Umbria, Italy

    In Italy, Calanco has a long history of recognition with publications like Gambero Rosso, but because it competed the extremely ubiquitous category of ‘Red Blend’, earning a silver in this prestigious contest. More details about Calanco can be found here.

    Order this quality wine today.

    St Laurent, Zantho Fine Wines, Austria

    The St Laurent grape is well known in Austria and with this kind of recognition, we’re confident that it won’t be long before Ontario wine enthusiasts begin talking about this very unique and exciting wine product.  Zantho’s enthusiasm and drive to produce a quality wine clearly shone forth with this wine, gaining a bronze in the overcrowded category of ‘Red – Other Varietal’.  More details about St Laurent can be found here.

    Order this quality wine today.

    To order any of our wines, please contact bill AT noteworthywines DOT ca or call us at 519-914-1204 and we’ll be happy to be of service.

    What is Intervin?

    Intervin International Wine Awards is a Canadian wine tasting challenge that takes place every August.  This year, the contest took place in Niagara and we were very honoured to have an opportunity to have a small handful of our wine product tasted at this prestigious gathering.

    The contest is designed to recognize and celebrate the very best wines available to Canadian consumers. The goal is simple: help winemakers attain well-deserved recognition and celebrate outstanding achievements in winemaking.

    Through InterVin’s international scope and diligent evaluation process, an entirely objective, blind tasting format has been developed that utilizes a team of qualified and respected judges. The panel features wine industry professionals with backgrounds in hospitality, media, education and winemaking.

    Results of the tasting contest is published in a number of media locations and products across Canada, including VINES Magazine, the National Post and their related web sites.